
Powershell to populate the Office attribute for users with the containing OU name

Most companies will name OUs after the offices that users are located in, simple script I wrote to add the containing OU name to the office attribute $aduser = Get-ADUser -SearchBase ‘The OU you want to do this to’ -Filter * foreach ($i in $aduser) { $distinguishedName = $i.DistinguishedName $OU = [regex]::match($distinguishedName,'(?=OU)(.*\n?)(?<=.)').Value $OU = $OU.Substring(3) $OU = $OU.split(',')[0] echo " Processing $OU" Set-ADUser -Identity $i -Office $OU } Hope this helps someone :)

Testing Testing 123

My first blog post, just a test to see if it is working.....